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is a 2 week UK wide tri-service exercise conducted in the Spring and
the Autumn of each year; it is assessed that JW is the largest exercise
in Europe. The first of 2009’s JW Exercises (JW 091) took place between
11-22 May and incorporated Exercise CROWN CONDOR (RAF
Deployed Operational Training at RAF Kinloss).
The exercise had been
planned by the Joint Tactical Exercise planning Staff (JTEPS) based at
Northwood HQ, London. During the Exercise itself, the JTEPS staff deployed
to a Joint Operations Centre (JOC) located at Faslane, Scotland. Once
there they were augmented by an additional 60 tri-service personnel, many
of whom are Reservists, so that they can provide the proper level of
Higher Command simulation and run the Exercise safely.
JTEPS aim was to provide
coordinated training for all 3 UK Armed Services and also forces from
allied nations. This Exercise included participants from the UK and up
to 12 Foreign Nations including multiple Forward Air Controllers (FACs),
2 Companies from the Coldstream Guards, 22 surface and 3 sub-surface
maritime units and 75 aircraft, flying at a daily rate of approximately
100 sorties a day (Monday-Friday).
Of particular note JW
091 saw the participation of the Standing NATO Maritime Group, whose
Flag Officer and staff embarked on the Italian Air Defence Destroyer
Luigi Durand De La Penne. Her Task Group, consisting of 7 NATO warships
from differing countries, took part in JW 091 in order to become
fully integrated before continuing their deployment into the
Mediterranean later this year. The US Navy continued to support JW in
strength. For JW091 it will be sending 4 Ships and a Destroyer Squadron
Staff who evaluated & certified the US ships prior to them deploying
on Operations.
JW 091 took
place across the whole of the UK utilising a wide variety of battlespace
including UK live ranges and Managed Danger Areas (MDAs). Partners in
battlespace provision included: QinetiQ (for multiple range locations),
London & Scottish Air Traffic Control Centres (LATCC & ScATCC) and the
Control & Reporting Centre (CRC) at RAF Boulmer. |
Area of Operation
Scenario Operations and Training
exercise scenario involved 3 sovereign nations, disputed territory and a
state sponsored terrorist movement. Commencing with a period of Force
Integration Training (FIT) the Ex developed over the 2 weeks, through a
period of tension, into simulated war-fighting / open hostilities. It
was intended that the Exercise would provide opportunities for all
war-fighting disciplines including. Composite
Air Operations (COMAOs) - the preparation and execution of large
packages of Air assets involving aircraft of different types and roles
from UK and allied air forces. Aircraft flew from varied locations and combined into one package in order to enable and enhance
collective offence and defence. Close Air Support (CAS) - CAS will be
executed by Fast Jet aircraft in association with FACs, occasionally
using live weapons; furthermore, a number of Convoy Support, Time
Sensitive Targeting (TST) and Urban CAS serials were completed in
order to replicate current Middle-East operational missions. Electronic
Warfare (EW) Training – This important aspect of military air
operational training was primarily undertaken at the EW Tactics
Facility at RAF Spadeadam in Cumbria, and also in the vicinity of mobile
EW emitters and deployed targets such as the simulated SCUD
Surface-to-Surface Missile (SSM) |
support of both land and maritime forces, Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA)l participated in Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Anti-Surface Warfare (AsuW)
and also, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions
Joint fires – Live weapons
were used in serials involving Fast Jet aircraft, Naval Gunfire
Support (NGS), and mortars, these events will be practised within
weapons ranges across the UK.
Mine Countermeasure (MCM) training –
MCM vessels gained practice in clearing minefields in protection of
themselves and their task groups. Submarine Training - Boats
completed sub-vs-sub and sub-vs-ship exercises. In opposition,
Anti-Submarine Warfare capable participants offereded tracking and
integration serials with the submarines. Of course none of these activities
could have been sustained without comprehensive logistics support and JW offered
participants the opportunity to plan and exercise all aspects of this
vital skill. All the maritime units practiced replenishment at sea (RAS)
drills, embarking everything from ammunition and fuel through to baked
beans and mail. While of course the air participants similarly were able to practice their in flight re-fuelling using the VC10
air-to-air re-fuelling tanker. |
Under the umbrella of Exercise JW,
Exercise CROWN CONDOR (CC) was executed at RAF Kinloss, Moray, in order
to achieve expeditionary Deployed Operational Training for RAF
personnel. This involved in the region of 500 RAF personnel deploying to
the airfield in order to set up and operate an Air Deployed Operating
Base (DOB) from a simulated austere location. Once operational, it was
expected that the DOB would accommodate a detachment of Fast Jet aircraft
and the associated support. Exercise CC enabled the Expeditionary Air
Wing (EAW) to test and adjust its war-fighting procedures in order to be
fully prepared for any short notice contingency operations that they may
be called upon to support. This Ex will be undertaken by No 325 EAW,
also from RAF Kinloss, prior to their standby commitment for reactionary
Director JTEPS Capt Paddy McAlpine OBE
summarised his thoughts on JW 091 as follows: Joint Warrior offers high
quality joint tactical training with maximum tactical interaction,
tailored to meet the participants’ requirements across the whole of the
UK whilst creating as little impact on the environment as possible.
Trust and cooperation cannot be surged, it is borne out of mutual
respect and understanding, which can only be gained by working and
training together. Joint Warrior offers just such an opportunity and
this is why I am particularly looking forward to welcoming our NATO and
coalition partners who bring a wealth of experience. 2009 will see JW
continue to grow and continue to integrate with our coalition partners
from around the world.
"bring us your best and we will
make them better ! |
