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TAC Blaze 09-2 |
Gilze-Rijen moves to Cumbria |
airport owned by Stobart Air saw the return visit of the Royal
Netherlands Air Force for TAC Blaze 09-2, for what is now become a
biannual deployment and exercise for the Dutch Defence Helicopter
Command. On this latest deployment the RNAF flew over seven
helicopters from their base at
The aircraft deployed comprised of Three Aerospatiale AS 532’s of
300 Sqn, Three AH 64 Apaches of 301 Sqn and a single CH47 Chinook
398Sqn. From their temporary base at Carlisle they were to conduct
numerous sorties into and around the Electronic Warfare Range of
Spadeadam over a two week period.
Earlier this year on TAC Blaze 01-2009 the RNAF
deployed Four Aerospatiale AS 532
this was to test personnel and prove their ability to operate away from
their home base whilst being totally self sufficient. The objective of
this earlier exercise was also to teach and test a number of new pilots
with a variety of tasks. Which included quick stops and carrying under
slung loads, most of these operations took place within the confines of
Carlisle airfield. Low level flying and map reading took place on and
around the Spadeadam range. The crews were then introduced to the
electronic warfare aspect of Spadeadam, by being targeted by a wide
array of threats, to which the crews could respond by using their
counter measures.
The TAC Blaze
Forward Operating Base (FOB) at Carlisle was set up very quickly a few
days prior to the arrival of the main body of personnel and aircraft.
Once set up the FOB becomes self sufficient, in all aspects from
accommodation to communications. The RNAF now use a unique portable unit
instead of tents, know as an expandable this is delivered as a container
on the back of a truck and once removed each side is pulled out making
it two thirds as big as the original container. Once connected
electronically to a generator and via satellite for communications they
are ready to use. The units are comfortable bright and air conditioned.
They can be used in numerous formats as communications room briefing
room, air crew changing rooms, offices, and although on this deployment
personnel were accommodated in hotels these expendables could be used
for accommodation too. In all some 160 personnel were sent in support of
the exercise along with 40 Royal Netherlands Marines they where here as
part of their own exercise but carried out the role air assault troops
for TAC Blaze and in certain scenarios they played the part of the
opposing forces.
The object of this latest deployment TAC Blaze 02 was again to test its
service personnel, to operate in the field without support. However for
the air crews it was an opportunity to hone their flying skills, by
flying an array of scenarios with different aircraft in support i.e. C47
supported by A532 or A532 with AH 64 supporting. At the beginning of the
exercise many different situations were set up for each sortie, air
support, evacuation, SAR. During which the crews had contending with the
continual electronic threats being aimed at them by the Spaeadam team.
These sorties would eventually become combined and culminate in a full
airborne assault utilising all the helicopters crews and Dutch Marines
in one package.
full program of intense flying had been planed for the duration which
included a number of night flights. A good rotation of air crews
maintain that no one excides their hours during the operation. The
aircraft too stood up admirably to their continuous use, with the
Technicians having only to perform minimal maintenance whilst completing
a fast turn around on the helicopters after each sortie. Throughout the
last TAC Blaze Stobart Air fulfilled the refuelling duties, however this
time the RNAF brought with them their own browser. With the Apache
requiring a particular grade of fuel Stobart Air kindly replaced their
own stocks of fuel with the type required for the AH64. In the past the
Cumbrian airfield has played host to a number of deployments but at this
moment the airfield is under development by its new owners The Eddie
Stobart Group. It is hoped that even after the airfield is developed
military deployments will still be encouraged.
The plan is to continue with more exercises within British airspace
under the banner of TAC Blaze and hopefully back at Carlisle next year.
My thanks to Lt Col G Bresser and his team for the assistance in
compiling this article.