As the battle scenario unfolded the range controller
constantly changed the threatening targets to
both the aircraft and to the imaginary attacking
forces on the ground.
The following day weather was in complete contrast to
the previous day with a cloud base over
Spadeadame of between 100-400meters and
visibility of 1500meters in rain. Aircraft found
it extremely difficult to operate in these
conditions so the targets were switched to
Charter Hall for the rest of the morning to give
the weather a chance to improve over Spadeadam.
Around mid day with the weather showing signs of
improvement the fist aircraft to come onto the
Range at Spadeadam, was a USAF MCH130H (90282)
call sign Tallon71 out of Mildenhall. The
aircraft carried out close air support for the
forces on the ground asking for a selection of
different threats to be placed on him as he
carried out his role. Fast jets were to follow
along with Apache Helicopters once again working
together along with Gazelle Helicopter acting as
controller. This carried on until late afternoon
and the “END EX” was called.

Aircraft and units involved over the two days were UK
Tornados (from 11, 14, 25, 31, 43 and 111 Sqns),
Jaguars (from 6 & 41 Sqns), Harriers (from the
RAF Cottesmore Wing), E-3D Sentry (from RAF
Waddington), Hercules (from 30 & 47 Sqns),
Nimrods from RAF Kinloss and Air to Air
Refuelling aircraft. Helicopters include Apache
(664 Sqn) and Gazelle (9 Regt Army Air Corps),
RN Seakings from RNAS Culdrose and Lynx
helicopters (847 Sqn) from RNAS Yeovilton.
Non British aircraft involved in the Exercise are
F15E Strike Eagles (493 & 494 Sqns) from the
USAF, Dutch Air Force F16 aircraft (311, 312 &
322 Sqns) and Tornados (FBW 31) from the German
Air Force.